Editorial policy

Estudis Arqueològics is a series started in 1993 and published by the Laboratori d’Arqueologia i Prehistòria of the University of Girona. First nine issues have been edited on physical support, but from number 10 onwards the publication is exclusively edited on-line. The series is open to a wide-range of archaeological subjects with the aim of publishing annually original and non-published researches about 50-100 pages long.

Estudis Arqueològics are conceived as a scientific edition series aimed at specialized readers. It pursues a very specific and singular goal: in the usual editorial world, there are often two kind of publications. On the one hand, there are more or less long journal papers and, on the other hand, there are more or less voluminous monographs.  In both cases, format requirements make difficult the publication of some researches in the way the researchers consider more appropriate. Guidelines of journals usually restrict significantly the proposal’s length and the number of figures, thus they lead to show the results of investigations in short and, at the same time, compel authors to make a restricted selection for the graphic support. Nevertheless, in some cases researchers need more freedom for explaining their works and showing all the materials, charts and illustrations they consider advisable. On the other side, monographs come usually from long and wide-range researches that gather a large amount of data. Therefore, studies of undeniable scientific value but focused on specific subjects or sites do not also fit in this format. In consequence, Estudis Arqueològics arise with the main aim of filling this halfway room and publishing original researches that do not fit easily into the formats of usual editions.

Original research works about archaeological subjects are accepted in a broad point of view both chronologically and geographically. Contributions may be written in the following languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, French and Italian.

Publication frequency

Estudis Arqueològics is an annual scientific journal.


Dr. Josep Maria Nolla

Universitat de Girona




Dr. Josep Burch

Universitat de Girona

Editorial Board

Dr. Josep Burch

Universitat de Girona

Dr. Josep Maria Nolla

Universitat de Girona

Dr. Lluís Palahí

Universitat de Girona

Sr. Marc Prat

Universitat de Girona

Dr. Jordi Sagrera

Universitat de Girona

Dr. David Vivó

Universitat de Girona

Scientific Advisory Board

Dr. Josep Casas

Universitat de Girona

Dr. Pere Castanyer

Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya-Empúries

Dra. Alexandra Chavarria

Università di Padova

Dr. Joaquim Garcia

Centre de patrimoni arqueològic i natural, Ajuntament de Mataró

Sra. Susana Manzano

Generalitat de Catalunya

Sra. Montserrat Mataró

Generalitat de Catalunya

Dra. Marta Prevosti

Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica

Dr. Joaquim Tremoleda

Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya-Empúries)



Laboratori d'Arqueologia i Prehistòria

Plaça Ferrater Mora, 1 - 17004 Girona

Tel. 972 41 81 59


Contact US

Parc Científic i Tecnològic de la UdG.
Edifici Giroempren - Despatx A1.18.
C/ Pic de Peguera 11. 17003, Girona (Espanya)


Tel. +34 902 44 00 12 | Fax +34 972 18 34 57

