Diálogos sobre investigación de la acción didáctica conjunta

ISBN/ISSN: 9788499841663 Colection:UdG Publicacions / Narratives d'art i educació n° pags: Idioma: spa
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This text presents three dialogues articles grouped by authors from the University of Girona, Geneva, Rovira i Virgili, and Colombia to team up with educators from different schools and educational levels.As a reflection of underlying fund that already entered the second decade of the century, one wonders about interdisciplinarity and the role of teachers and their impact on all disciplines. Looking back we realize that in the immediate postwar period and until the 1980s of the twentieth century, the classroom was seen essentially as a "field of application" of the progress achieved in the academic fields. With the strengthening academic humanities and social sciences are beginning to emerge from the '80s, paradigms which suggest a more complex relationship between theory and practice. To reach the status of the teaching profession considered increasingly as a true professional field in which its members are not only implementers of knowledge, but expert knowledge producers and actors of the investigation process. nn

Juanola i Terradellas, Roser (Editor del volum)
Rickenmann del Castillo, René (Editor del volum)

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