Visualización de volúmenes

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This book aims to help all first-year students from different engineering degrees and college students from other disciplines, secondary and vocational training. One of the most important parts of the technical drawing is the spatial volume visualization and later use in the technical field. The knowledge and correct application of the standard projections in the dihedral volumes or parts, represents a fundamental step in any course in technical drawing. Any student who does not know, is unable to apply or not dominate the projected volumes, will be unable to move properly on your knowledge of standardization of technical drawing. This book presents a variety of examples and solved exercises implementation and work proposals that are to help readers achieve an optimal level in the spatial volume visualization.n

Verdaguer Pujadas, Narcís (Autor)
Julián Pérez, Fernando (Autor)
Espinach Orús, Xavier (Autor)
Tresserras Picas, Josep (Autor)

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