Publicacions del Laboratori d'Arqueologia i Prehistoria de la Universitat de Girona
Publications of the Archeology and Prehistory Laboratory of the University of Girona
Showing 1–16 of 36 results
Dissetenes jornades d’arqueologia de les comarques…
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Miscellany on the Rural World in…
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El gran canvi
11.54€ Price without VAT Add to cart -
Una vil·la romana a la Selva:…
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Un abocador del segle III a…
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Cooking, kitchen and food in rural…
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La moneda baiximperial romana de Roses
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La torre Desvern de Celrà
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El castell de Cervià de Ter
1.50€ - 76.92€Price without VATSelect options -
Heating systems in Roman villas
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Necropolis and Funerary World in rural…
Free! - 38.46€Price without VATSelect options -
Uillae and Domain at the end…
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